Tech Talent Search &
Analytics Platform

Tech Talent Search & Analytics Platform

Find tech stars in professional communities. Evaluate profiles with coding activity and social metrics. Engage candidates, knowing personal interests and connection points 👨‍🚀



☁️-native shenanigans for the ENT



Helm charts from kustomized YAML files

go, smarty

2321 contributions


devscanr profile

Lee Payne

Lee Payne Hireable

Senior DevOps
Top 5% in UAE
La Licorne
Dubai, UAE
Devops Engineer
dev. experience
~10 years, Senior
AWS, Docker, ELK, GCP, Kubernetes, Azure
Machine Learning, Music, Cryptography
Automated Sourcing
Find 10× more profiles in professional communities. Save time with unified profile, enriched data and aggregated contacts. Export to any ATS.
Intelligent Search
Search over mentioned and inferred data with convenient UI. Filter profiles by location, specialization, skills, seniority.
Profile Analytics
Review talent competences in details, compare with average. Explore activity per skill over years. Detect fake skills and resumes.
AI & Graph Insights
Find connection points through interests, friends, community ranks. Discover patterns. Engage with personalized letters.

How It Works

Professional communities 🤓 are great talent pools. They contain unique and objective information that perfectly complements subjective and biased resumes. Bad news is that such resources are not designed nor convenient for recruiters. See how DevScanr changes that (2-min video):

Sneak-peek internal pages.

Why DevScanr?

Tech stars don’t babysit their resumes 👶. They are busy coding on GitHub, helping colleagues on StackOverflow, sharing knowledge on Medium. You’d really want to search for candidates right there, but only a tiny fraction devops location:California type:users (200 out of 40K) is easily accessible.

There’re more pitfalls like empty bios, missing titles, unclear seniorities, overwhelming terminology. DevScanr fixes all that, making skill-first sourcing easy as 🍰. It allows you to efficiently source, screen, and engage qualified candidates. For a fraction of a cost you’d pay on the resume platforms.

Grover Olson

Grover Olson

Frontend Developer
Liliya Mckee

Liliya Mckee

Backend Developer
 Saoirse Dotson

Saoirse Dotson

Data Scientist
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Automated Sourcing

In practice, the majority of professional user accounts are unsearchable for various reasons. Missing locations, empty descriptions, fancy icons ☁️, abbreviations, aliases... DevScanr takes care of that, streamlining the whole process:

Search Automation
Manual user search with boolean queries, tech jargon sticky notes, and crossed fingers as the tools of choice is very slow and error prone. Our engineers have developed data pipelines, AI, and Search Engine to let machines do the low-level stuff for you.
Data Enrichment
The platform fixes unsearchable / invisible profiles with a dedicated enrichment step. Normalized data allows to switch from a primitive keyword-based search to a smarter, knowledge-based (more below) and get more results per search.
Our goal is to make millions of active profiles on GitHub, StackOverflow, etc. searchable and engageable. So talent who dislike LinkedIn (or have it blocked in their countries) still have an opportunity to find their dream jobs. AND ("Serbia" OR "Republika Srbija") AND ("Frontend Developer" OR "FE" OR "Frontend Engineer") AND ("react" AND "typescript" AND "tailwind")

An example of filters on DevScanr Talent Search
benefit from

Intelligent Search

DevScanr provides geolocation-aware and term-aware search. It understands what you mean. Search results are widened or narrowed, as you would expect. Autocomplete just workstm and search boxes properly support copy-paste.

Location Filter
The platform knows that “Los Ángeles”, “City Los Angeles”, “LA” are the same thing. It knows that “Poland” includes “Kraków” with all transliterations, as well as “Warsaw” with all typos. Compare that to GitHub or sites with no search, where you can only X-Ray.
Specialization Filter
The platform knows that “Data Scientist”, “Big Data Developers”, “Data Analysts” and “Machine Learning” are related specializations. That “Frontend Developer” can be written as a ”Frontend Engineer” or ”FE”. It can even find talent without explicitly mentioned titles (more below).
Skills Filter
The platform knows that JS, ES, ES6, JavaScript, EcmaScript are synonyms. It remembers relations between C, Python, Cython, and CPython so you don’t have to. Save the effort of trying to learn all the buzzwords and focus on hiring instead.


Healing websites and apps 🚑



Automation of Form Testing

mocha, javascript

1634 contributions

Kylie Foster

Kylie Foster Hireable

Quality Assurance
TypeScript, Unit Rests, Mocha, Selenium, BDD, PyTest, Cassandra, Gherkin, Cypress
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Structured Data

DevScanr aggregates and structures scattered user accounts across the Internet. It mines and highlights the important data. No need to surf through repositories, gists, forks, stars, posts, followers, commits to extract talent’ competences and interests.

Contacts & Hireability
The platform captures important (and sometimes inaccessible) pieces of data. Contacts, statuses, titles, skills are mined, merged and deduplicated. The end result is a single convenient profile card with external links with no view limits.
Open-Source Analysis
The platform analyzes user accounts and repositories. It tracks programming languages, libraries, frameworks, checks how often they were used and so on. Based on the obtained statistics, the platform generates an accessible talent overview.
Text + Activity Analysis
There’s always more data to dig and it’s far from being limited to code. We plan to add Linguistic Competence and other Soft Skills metrics to the platform in the future. As well as dynamic views of talent’ interests reflecting their career goals.


☁️-native shenanigans for the ENT

devops Hireable

Senior DevOps
Devops Engineer
dev. experience
~10 years, Senior
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AI Inference

Engineering areas evolve and overlap, so it’s often hard to distinguish between a Backend and a Frontend developer. It’s even harder to estimate one’s competence. DevScanr is equipped with algorithms and AI to fill missing pieces and infer labels for you.

Inferred Specialization
The platform listens to what talent claim, but it also looks into projects, repositories, articles, and whatnot to accurately infer user skills, professional and personal interests, and even specializations with confidence scores.
Inferred Experience
Only 10% of GitHub users explicitly state their tenure. While the topic of experience is the most complex (each one counts differently) it’s a very important piece of information. The platform uses its own algorithm to accurately predict years of experience and competence.
Liliya Mckee

Liliya Mckee

Backend Developer
Top 25% in India
Clean Code, Open Source, Speedcubing

Are you interested in Rubik’s cubes? We develop a new world-wide gaming platform for puzzle enthusiasts.

11:12 AM

I'm interested. Let's talk!

11:20 AM

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Interests, ranks, networks

The Talent Market is competitive. DevScanr shares even more unique, data-driven insights to help your recruitment and engagement. Talent interests, strengths and weaknesses, social connections,... so many helpful hints are there, waiting to be uncovered.

Professional Interests
Looking for a Backend Engineer for an AI startup? DevScanr can find a backend-er who casually experiments with Machine Learning or follows ML/AI gurus. Such talent will be more interested to join and more motivated to stay.
Developer Rank
DevScanr ranks each developer for a given location and specialization. This rank is evaluated by an algorithm similar to Google ranking. Looking for a tech star? Pay attention to profiles from the Top-10%. Seeking a “promising junior”? Go for the Above-Average.
Networks + Other Goodies
More to come. Stay tuned...

Sourcing Flow

GitHub, StackOverflow, Medium... are not sourcing platforms. Even if you manage to find the desired amount of prospects, next challenge is to export and organize the data. DevScanr, conversely, is made with the sourcing flow in mind!


Experiment with different filter combinations and store them in a project for when you need them.


Take notes on the candidate profiles, evaluate them, and add the best matches to the project.


When you are ready to engage prospects, export the talent list and import it in a preferred ATS.

Recently Launched and Growing

DevScanr has over 1,000,000 profiles of developers, programmers, software and hardware engineers, QAs and security specialists, scientists, analysts, operations, designers, 🦄.
All competence levels are covered!
Web Developers
Data & ML Engineers
Security & Devops
Mobile & Game Devs

Boost Your Recruitment Process

We are committed to finding the best talent for our customers and partners.
  Discovering tech stars    in any weather and light conditions.

local search

+ Free trial for 2 weeks

  • Up to 3 countries of your choice
  • Unlimited contact views
  • Unlimited searches
  • Standard support
  • No hidden fees

planet search

+ Free trial for 1 week

  • All of the previous
  • Search world-wide
  • Priority support

galaxy search

Special tier

  • All of the previous
  • Talent pools for your needs
  • Custom algorithms and functionality
  • Individual consulting


Can’t find the answer you’re looking for?
Reach out to our customer support.

Am I expected to use DevScanr with or instead of LinkedIn / GitHub?

DevScanr is a skills-first search & analytics platform. The main UI focus falls on skills but we collect resume links – including, but not limited to LinkedIn – so you can filter by contacts and check resumes. We believe that the platform can replace paid LinkedIn functionality (search) for many recruiters. LinkedIn resume pages are free to view, so there’s no reason to not use them. To reiterate, the project can be used with a free LinkedIn account and, with a generous free tier, can fully replace GitHub search.

How does DevScanr compare to other alternatives?

Recruiting platforms are mostly expensive, all-in-one solutions with rich functionality. Besides search, they include layers of automation, messaging, integrations. The downside is a steep price, typically starting from $100 per month per seat. Some platforms, like SeekOut or AmazingHiring, are even more expensive ($400+). They provide massive databases, not limited to tech talent.

The opposite side of the spectrum is represented by numerous cheap (or free) browser extensions, tools for creating boolean queries, etc. “one-trick pony” tools. They often lack support and functionality.

DevScanr aims to be a middle ground between both extremes . It’s exclusively a sourcing tool, focused on tech talent, with a number of unique features. It’s designed to integrate in your pipelines seamlessly. And we want to keep the service affordable for all recruiters.

How many credits are included in DevScanr plans?

No credits. Mainstream platforms earn money via limits on key actions. For example, LinkedIn Recruiter allows “30 messages” and “20 searches” for $180 per seat, per month. It’s intented for your credits to exhaust fast ;) DevScanr applies only a Fair Use policy (yet informal) for our clients and partners. No artificial rules to make you overpay!

What’s so good about GitHub? Why do you focus on it?

Think of GitHub as a social network for IT people. While some other competitive platforms, like GitLab, handle a lot of commercial traffic, GitHub stays the go-to platform for the open source. The majority of important libraries, across many ecosystems, are maintained there. Which creates a synergetic effect.

There’re major benefits of sourcing on such platforms. You catch people you’d never notice or reach elsewhere. It might be a talented student who collected 1K followers before even publishing a resume. Or a seasoned developer tired of automated job messages. There might be people who prefer to self-host their resumes. Or people who have LinkedIn blocked in their countries. So many categories...

Another value of GitHub are social proofs that can be extremely helpful. DevScanr calculates a GitHub community rank (using an algorithm similar to what Google/Yandex use to evalute web pages). The rank is derived from a number of followers but it’s much more involved than a simple count. To simplify, a person followed by Linus Torwalds alone would rank much higher than someone followed by an army of bots. Unfortunately, he does not follow anyone.

The same network of follower/following links can be used to find social connections and to seek recommendations. Cold contacts become warm if you simply refer to the right people. Or hot – if you are referred by them. It is possible to increase your response rate by orders of magnitude... but it’s always easier to keep doing what you are used to – so we don’t insist.