
certificate of qualificationPrincipal Fullstack Engineer

№ DVS-7c7d33e1 at 2024-11-11

This document confirms the authenticity of Sergey Atroshchenko’s specialization and seniority. The validation process involves a deep analysis of a GitHub profile: repositories, contributions, activities, social metrics, ratings, etc. by dedicated machine learning algorithms. Additionally, each certificate is manually approved by a subject-matter expert. Read more about how DevScanr compiles and assigns certificates.

Verified Competence and Skills

The analysis is based on public repositories, contributions, etc., and does not consider private activities. Treat the results as a conjecture that may be incomplete and not fully reflect all competences of this person. The areas in both rows are proportional to similarity between the profile of this talent and abstract specialists focused on each particular role or domain.

Instructions for sharing your certificate on LinkedIn / CV / resume.

The project is currently in alpha stage, more features will be added. If you think you have found an error – please let us know by raising an issue at For other questions, such as whether you can qualify for a certificate, reach us at