Request an invite to DevScanr

DevScanr is a Search & Analytics platform for recruiters, with a strong focus on tech talent: software engineers, all sorts of developers, architects, scientists, analysts, etc. Join DevScanr if you’re interested in novel ways to discover, evaluate and engage tech stars. The platform has a free tier with invite-only access.

In order to align expectations of both parties, please fill in the following form:

Let’s break the ice!

Let’s break the ice!

Share your recruiting needs

Share your recruiting needs
Which engineers do you recruit most often? *
Which recruitment tools do you use (or used in the past)? *

Shaking hands?

Shaking hands?

I consent with the following statements: *

  1. I understand that DevScanr may reject a request for their own reasons.
  2. I understand that it may take several days to process my submission.
  3. I was informed that, if I receive an invitation and gain access to the platform, it’s prohibited to share my credentials with other people. I can use my login/password on my own devices with no limitations.

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