July 11, 2024

Extended talent contacts: more sites, more data

Tatiana Kleshnina

Tatiana Kleshnina

Co-Founder of DevScanr

When we ask recruiters what issues they want to solve with automation, the list of “collected and verified contacts” is always in TOP-3 of popular answers. With this update DevScanr extends the list of resumes, messengers, professional communities, and social accounts up to 50 (fifty!) sources. Now you have more time to evaluate candidates and less boring tasks to perform.

Example of contact information on a talent profile card on DevScanr.

Furthermore, DevScanr provides you with the ability to search for engineers by their contact information. Let’s see how you can incorporate it into your sourcing process.

Search talent with resume links

LinkedIn is not the only place to find resumes. Engineers (web developers in particular) sometimes self-host their portfolios and resumes. These custom sites are great to evaluate tech skills: starting from the fact whether it’s actually working and up-to-date, and down to design, animation, and other impressive features. Unlike PDFs and resume platforms with texts in grey boxes, there’re no boundaries here. So if you need someone creative, e.g. a Frontend or a Game developer, their custom sites are certainly something worth checking.

Search talent with Messengers and Social Accounts with DM

Email fatigue is a global trend so recruiters continue to look for other ways to reach talent. Our customers and partners are convinced that direct messages work much better for engagement. That’s why DevScanr finds more than just emails, but also:

  • social accounts with an ability to chat, like Instagram or Tiktok
  • messenger contacts, like Facebook or Telegram

Like every other social group, programmers might have their own preferences, e.g. they might prefer to chain in Reddit or Discord. Such links are also present on DevScanr.

Search talent by their work in professional communities

It’s already an established practice to search for designers on Dribbble and Behance. Their professional communities... The same practice should apply to engineers: look for them on GitHub and other communities. An expert in tech. recruitment can filter candidates just by the presence of certain platforms in their contacts:

I need a Machine Learning Engineer
Look if they are registered on Kaggle.

I need a UI Developer with an eye for design
Limit the pool to devs with Behance and Dribble.

I need a System Engineer
Check profiles with above-average LeetCode or CodeWars scores.

The world of computer and data science is so much broader than LinkedIn and its resumes. There’s no justification to deny other data sources.

More capabilities to search

The other groups in the Contacts filter are self-explanatory: emails, social accounts, and custom websites. You can also find talents who have an account on a specific platform. Let’s say you want to bring on board a mentor for junior members. In this case, the developer running the blog can explain and teach effectively. Search talent by accounts on Hashnode, Dev.to, Medium or YouTube.

More contact data

We consistently enhance our data mining algorithms to capture more data. The total number of contacts has already increased by about 10% (for the same pool of profiles) and this number will keep growing each month. With this update, we have improved the quality of the links and cleaned up (or fixed) some broken links. Less manual work, more automation.


Recruiters who exclusively rely on mainstream resume platforms reach the same people as all their colleagues, repetitively. It quickly becomes a productivity bottleneck. DevScanr provides a unique talent pool with an ability to see full spectrum of talent activities and contributions. Now, with more than 50 recognizable platform links and more contact data, your daily work on DevScanr should be even more enjoyable.

Boost your sourcing process

DevScanr opens a new way to source, evaluate, and engage tech stars. Powerful talent search, data insights & analytics at your disposal. The platform has a free tier with invite-only access.